Saturday, January 22, 2011

Regrets of my LIFE

There are some things you just cannot change… Did you ever want to go back in time and redo something? Well I did. I wanted to change this event so badly and wished it never happened; but I can’t. It’s been quite some time since it happened and still, I am wishing that I can redo that part of my life.

“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” I have never forgotten it and still, I remember it every once in a while. What saddens me most is that I could have stopped it but I didn’t. The only thing that still keeps me going are the hopes that the future could still be brighter than that of what was before. I never shared this to anyone, even with my best friend. I thought of this part of my life to just be kept to me and only me. It’s really hard not to see the effects of what I did because every day I see and feel it… There’s so many things that I want to say but I just can’t. To be honest, I don’t even know how to start. I can still feel some of my tears trickling down my eyes when I remember it… It’s really hard, this is the thing I regret the most.

Still, there’s one good thing that came out of this and it is the process of learning from my mistakes. I learned from it the hard way and I now know what to do; but that thing I regret the most would always stay in my heart, haunting me. I can only forget about it with the help of my family and friends, when they make me feel happy. There are also times that they make me forget about all the problems in my life, that’s why I love them so much, because they make me feel, well, I couldn’t explain it but they make me feel something that I don’t usually feel.

Lesson here is that you guys, reading this section of my blog, should think of the consequences that may rise up when you do something, may it be a good thing or a bad thing. And when you’re faced with problems, don’t be scared to face it, you don’t even need to face it only by yourself, take the hands of the people you love and trust the most and I promise you, you’ll be able to conquer that problem. Take the advice; regrets only come when it’s already done.

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About Me

I'm John Aaron Go. I don't actually do much in the internet other than to socialize, to create my assignments and research about stuff, mostly academic related. I'm in 3rd year high school in SLU-LHS. I'm really easy to get along with as long as you be yourself and I just want to live my life to the fullest. I want to take every opportunity that I can grab because I believe that everything happens for a reason.